abiword in redhat 7.0beta.

Subject: abiword in redhat 7.0beta.
From: Martin Sevior (msevior@mccubbin.ph.unimelb.edu.au)
Date: Tue Aug 01 2000 - 08:53:28 CDT

HI everyone,
            I just looked though the contents of redhat 7.0beta and found
abiword-0.7.10-5.rpm. Given the redhat beta's usually run for about a
month it would an interesting challenge to see if we can get version 0.90
(feature completeness) finished before the beta turns gold :-)

We're pretty close but we still need our mythical new Fields
implementation. If I can wrap up the non-Field bugs in lists soon I'll try
to at least get the new file format defined. Of course I would LOVE it if
someone else did this work. Then I could make the Spell dialog modeless
and implement whatever other dialogs need doing (columns for a start).



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