The State of Tinderbox

Subject: The State of Tinderbox
From: sam th (
Date: Tue Aug 01 2000 - 14:12:55 CDT

There have been several concerns recently about Tinderbox recently, so
here is a summary of each build.

1) Win32
Tinderbox currently does not show a Win32 build (Tom appears to have taken
its place). Hopefully Shaw can get this back up.

2) BeOS
a) PC-BeOS
This is failing in Bill Carpenter's debugFlash code, since it is not
finding usleep(). usleep() is in POSIX [1] and so should be in Be. If
someone know a better place to find it that in <unistd.h>, please speak
b) Mac-BeOS
This is failing in wv, since it is unable to open wvexporter.h. No other
build is having diffiulty with this step (Even the other BeOS build).
Further insight needed here.

3) FreeBSD
Currently, this is going no where, since make is complaining about the
options it is being passed (-C, specifically). However, the wchar.h
problem I discussed earlier is still present. I have done further
research, and NetBSD provides wchar.h, but OpenBSD does not. People with
a clue, please clarify.

4) Linux
Linux currently builds properly. The newest tinderbox host (belew) is
showing this properly.
parsons has not had its makefiles properly updated, and is still building
in _GTK. Tinderbox is therefore unable to find the binary.
page is building with DEBUG on, and generating the same errors. Wiping the
parsons and page trees and starting over should fix both of them.

Hope this helps us get some more green.

PS -Shaw: if you want me to administer tinderbox, I would be happy to.

                                sam th

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