Abiword or Starword

Subject: Abiword or Starword
From: Johan Stenfors (Johan.Stenfors@firstlinux.net)
Date: Fri Aug 18 2000 - 03:46:33 CDT

I think we shall do the best of this. The best thing for the user is the possibility to choose between starword and abiword. To make this easy I think abiword and openoffice shall try to make as much as possible compatible, e.g. the fileformat, and as much as possible the methods.

Abiword is fast and small, starword is not, on the other hand starword is currently much more featured.

It will take time to make starword lean and quick, and it will take a lot of time to make Abiword as featured as starword. When both has happened we shalll se which is best, in the meantime both are needed, and should cooperate for the benefit of users.

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