Abiword Documentation XML and Screenshots

Subject: Abiword Documentation XML and Screenshots
From: Ashleigh Gordon (agordon@bigpond.net.au)
Date: Tue Aug 22 2000 - 01:59:57 CDT

RE:Abiword Help

Actually, I have been discussing this with Karl Ove Hufthammer off the
mailing list, among other things. I don't think that the majority of the
help files really need to be in any particular language, as it's not too
hard to get the meaning. However, I guess we could make each screenshot in a
number of languages, but that would make the help files even bigger.
Espicially if we ever translate them to other languages as well. If we were
going to make a screenshot for each language then I think we would have to
offer the manual as a seperate download, as it would be making Abiword
pretty large.

Also, in the interests of making the help files easier to translate, Karl
suggested that we move the help files into xml, and he has done some of this
already. We have discussed this and I believe that it is a very good idea.
You can find a sample file at

One of the advantages of xml is that it can easily be made into a html or
pdf document. Karl has done this, and you can find a pdf example here:

As for the margin files not being translated, I was unaware that we even had
a margin help page. Could you please send me the file that you were talking
about. Certainly all the help files in the original french version have been

If anyone doesn't think that we should convert the help files to xml please
reply back, or if anyone has a better idea as to seperate the content from
the presentation I'd like to know.


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