0.7.11 status

Subject: 0.7.11 status
From: Paul Egli (pegli@sourcegear.com)
Date: Tue Aug 22 2000 - 16:56:29 CDT

There have been many new features added, bugs fixed, and general
improvements made for AbiWord since 0.7.10. We would indeed like to get
0.7.11 out ASAP in order to get these goodies into the hands of users

The reason we haven't built an 0.7.11 release yet is because the RPM
packages are not building. Shaw sent mail to the list
describing the problem.

So far, there have been no replies to Shaw's original message, and we are
once again asking for volunteers to help us get this straightened out. Any
and all input is appreciated. Question: is anyone else able to build the
RPM packages on their machine?

-Paul Egli

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