[PATCHES] more patches (wv)

Subject: [PATCHES] more patches (wv)
From: Martin Vermeer (martin.vermeer@fgi.fi)
Date: Thu Aug 24 2000 - 03:23:02 CDT


Here's some more patches.

The first one adds the plusminus sign to the list of special
treatment characters which the latin1 input encoding should handle
properly, but doesn't (in my tetex installation). It just puts an
explicit $\pm$ which does work.

(This patch also contains the "bit flip" of the Swedish code page
from 1250 to 1252, which was submitted earlier, but never committed
or remarked upon except by Caolan).

Then the second patch. It contains a rewriting of part of the
routine mySpecCharProc, which among other things handles the
"special characters" known as embedded graphics.

What I did was put the handling of embedded graphics, and the handling of
erroneous such, into two separate subroutines: wvStrangeNoGraphicData()
and wvPrintGraphics. This is in preparation for allowing graphic output on
the LaTeX side. Currently LaTeX documents contain the inappropriate HTML
graphics codes <img alt= ... src= ... > you know the drill.

This patch has no effect on functionality for HTML, but with
--config wvLaTeX.xml placeholder strings are embedded in the output.

As this also makes the code a little cleaner, I hope it is acceptable.


Martin Vermeer mv@fgi.fi   Phone +358 9 295 55 215   Fax +358 9 295 55 200
Finnish Geodetic Institute    Geodeetinrinne 2    FIN-02430 Masala FINLAND

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