Re: Darn

Subject: Re: Darn
From: F J Franklin (
Date: Fri Dec 08 2000 - 11:05:05 CST

> "OK" and "Save"

gv has "Apply" and "Save" which is easier to figure out, but even that
took me ages. Probably best to have explicit labels "Apply this session
only" and "Apply forever...", which are too long really

> 1. Why "church secretary"? Are they extremely dumb, incompetent, in
> abundance wherever this concept first surfaced, ignorant or was the one
> starting the use of this concept very religious?

I suppose that if a writing desk, or indeed any other kind of furniture
for that matter, is ever inspired to use abiword, then most likely it
is / will be one on holy ground - the gift of life being divine...


Francis James Franklin

Diodorus the professor of logic died of shame because he could not at once
solve a problem put to him in jest by Stilpo.
                                                       --- Pliny the Elder

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