Re: Table workaround

Subject: Re: Table workaround
From: Mike Nordell (
Date: Tue Dec 19 2000 - 22:47:16 CST

Assuming a Table has a fixed number of columns, but each column can
have different width compared to its "sibling" cell above/below it,
would the following be a starting point?

// this class encapsulates the beahviour of a table at the data-level
class Table
 class Cell
  text_holder (strux?)
  // since each cell can have different width from its
  // "sibling" above/below, we need the following data member.
  UT_uint32 m_width;
 class Line
  std::list<Cell> m_cells;
 std::list<Line> m_lines;

// this class takes care of the layout of a table.
class TableLayouter
 TableLayouter(const Table& table)
 : m_table(table)
 { }
 void doLayout(whatever_data_type_it_is& blockLayout)
  for line: lines in table
   layout_line = new fp_Line(line);
   for cell: cells in line

 const Table& m_table;

/Mike - please don't cc

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