Mac port build (was: Re: factors to consider for the Mac port)

Subject: Mac port build (was: Re: factors to consider for the Mac port)
From: Hubert Figuiere (
Date: Fri Feb 11 2000 - 02:55:33 CST

According to Justin Bradford <>:

> If someone wants to provide the code/scripts to generate the resources
> from the normal files, I'm sure everyone would be happy. Ideally, these
> would work for multiple build environments (ie. MPW and Metrowerks).

MPW is provided on CodeWarrior CD.
CodeWarrior can use tool server that basically allow the use of MPW tools
within CodeWarrior.
So I think that we should/could build with both, but MPW would make things
more easier to do. For example how can we make the "nametab.h" file within
CodeWarrior :-/

> However, I'm not sure this is really critical, yet. While it may not be a
> good solution to have a directory containing the various files, it should
> work for now, and there are more pressing tasks for the Mac port (running,
> for instance).

While I'm at this, I began to look yesterday at the Mac port and began to
hack it. It still crash but I'm going further.
First, it look like the toolbox is not initialized. I added the right code
to AP_MacApp::initialize(void) to do so (I hope it is the right place as
this is Mac dependent and should be done as early as possible). Perhaps I
should do it in XAP_MacApp to be done in other app that may use the framework.

I also defined a couple of symbols to define build target (MacOS classic or


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