RE: (spell) A couple of clarifications

Subject: RE: (spell) A couple of clarifications
From: Henrik Berg (
Date: Mon Feb 14 2000 - 15:08:19 CST

> A more higher-level question: is the code in spell
> known to work? When I choose Spelling from the Edit
> menu, it just prints out a spell check done message !!

Yes, you should get red underline on words that is misspelled. If you have possibility, use AbiWord on another system (Linux or Windows) to compare what is happening.

One thing you could do is check the load of the hash-dictionary file. In newMain.c there is a function that read the file header. Check that this works, else nothing will happen. (Okey, it's stupid if reading the dictionary fails and you stil get the message "spell check done", but I wouldn't be surprised if that's how it works :)


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