patch -- -to command line option (3rd. round ;)

Subject: patch -- -to command line option (3rd. round ;)
From: Joaquín Cuenca Abela (
Date: Thu Feb 17 2000 - 12:45:27 CST

Ok, that's "the definitive --to command line option patch" (tm).

It has no differences in the gnome and xp fronts, and it "implements"
this options in the gtk, win32 and BeOS systems.

I know that you're thinking... "why in the hell implements is in
quotation marks?"... and, of course, I have a answer to that question.

I don't have a windows nor a BeOS system, so the code that I've added to
these systems is #ifdef 0'ed, and of course, I cann't assure that the
code will work (in fact, I will be VERY amazed if it will work), so
please, BeOS and Windows hackers, can you take a look at this code?

P.S.: The actual syntax of this options ("to", "show", and "verbose"
options) is:

--to[= ]html|latex|abw|... --show --verbose[= ]0|1|2
in gnome world, and
-to html|latex|abw|... -show -verbose 0|1|2
for the others platforms.

P.S.2: The platform dependent code is ~15 lines for the conversion
process, and ~30 lines for the rest (ie. don't show the splash screen,
nor the gui interface, but if the "show" option is present, bla, bla...)

Joaquín Cuenca Abela

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