(no subject)

Subject: (no subject)
From: Martin Sevior (msevior@mccubbin.ph.unimelb.edu.au)
Date: Mon Feb 28 2000 - 21:07:47 CST

Here is the gtk "insert_symbol" dialog. I haven't put a button or
keybindings into it as of now coz I'm going to have less time to work on
this in the next little while.

The patch is against the current cvs build via Shaw's handy:

    cvs diff -u abi > /tmp/patchfile


I've stubbed the Win32 build. I have no idea if this will even compile on
win32 though.

I've added a screen shot of the dialog in the default gtk theme in the
shots directory so porters have an idea of what it meant to look like.

In the process of testing the dialog I ran into another bug which I
originally thought was the dialog's fault but I've since found is standard
Abi behaviour right now.

1. Take text string.
2. Moving cursor to the middle of the text string.
3. Change the font.
4. Insert typing.
5. Change the font back to the original font.
6. Press the "Back Space" key.

The text AHEAD of the cursor is deleted (rather than behind).

Clearly this shows up in "Insert Symbol" quite quickly. I've starting the
process of debugging this but I haven't got to the bottom of it yet. I
thought it would be better to get this patch in for now.



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