Latin support for US keyboards

Subject: Latin support for US keyboards
From: Tom Burdick (
Date: Sat Jan 22 2000 - 21:33:34 CST

I'm wondering if anyone has any plans to implement (or already has in
CVS) support for composing Latin characters (ie, é, ô, etc) from US
keyboards. I'm thinking along the lines of Emacs Quail's
latin-1-postfix (or french-postfix). If hacking AbiWord is reasonably
easy (like lynx and pine; unlike gcc), I'd be willing to hack it.
I've been using AbiWord for all my University work for the last week,
but I guess I'm back to enriched-mode Emacs or LaTeX for my essays in
French, at least for a while :).

Disclaimer: I'm using AbiWord 0.7.7 on GNU/Linux, not the latest CVS.


PS Great work! AbiWord has kept me from having to use my roommate's
Windows box all this school year. Bravo!

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