Re: rpm makefile patch for Linux/PPC

Subject: Re: rpm makefile patch for Linux/PPC
Date: Tue Jan 25 2000 - 17:40:07 CST

Logan Hall wrote:
> also what is the damn /etc/rpmrc suppost to look like.. the Makefile does some grep
> action on it and i didn't have it.. so i just put what the Makefile was looking for
> ("topdir: /usr/src/redhat") and rpm constanly bitches:
> bad option 'topdir' at /etc/rpmrc:1

/etc/rpmrc was a quick and dirty RPM hack. It worked with RPM 2 last year.
It should be fixed, and here's why.

The purpose of scanning that file was to find the topdir entry, which
is usually something like "/usr/src/redhat". If you want to have RPM
not bitch, put "#topdir: /usr/src/redhat" (it will consider it a comment,
but our grep will still work).

That directory is where we should do our RPM building (which we do
as a more manual process than most packages that support RPM).
There has to be a better way to get this directory.

I took a look through the RPM manual page. "rpm --showrc" gives
us every tag, including the "topdir" tag. The format of its
output is somewhat odd, though, and it expresses the value of
"topdir" as a combination of other values that could be altered,
so we'd have to expand those too.

If we could get "topdir" some other way, we should use that instead of
looking for rpmrc, which could be anywhere.

Shaw Terwilliger

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