Re: gdk and fonts

Subject: Re: gdk and fonts
From: WJCarpenter (bill-abisource@carpenter.ORG)
Date: Wed Jul 05 2000 - 01:45:13 CDT

ms> however I suspect that fater all the bugs are squashed in the list
ms> code we still won't be able to display unicode wide fonts.

I think you are right, but I believe the simple reason is that the
fonts Abi distributes/uses don't contain any glyphs above 0xFF. I'm
not completely certain of this because I haven't stumbled onto the
right tool to confirm that for me (and I mean stumbled because I
haven't looked too hard). They are Type 1 fonts in
"StandardEncoding", which I think means only 256 slots. (In case it's
not obvious, I'm talking through my hat a bit on this font stuff.)

What value are you trying to use for the bullet character? 0xB7 is a
bullet looking thing (which also displays properly in Abi 0.7.10), but
it's too small for the characters that go with it. That is, if you
use 12pt type, you probably would want to use 0xB7 bullets at 20pt or
something like that.

ms> hj submitted a patch that enabled abi to write in Chinese but it
ms> was never applied. You might want to look in the archives around
ms> March and April and see what his patch did to the font sets. hj is
ms> a very good programmer and I suspect we may learn a lot from the
ms> patch he submitted.

I'll have a look sometime this week.

bill@carpenter.ORG (WJCarpenter)    PGP 0x91865119
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