RE: fix for broken Win32 build (again)

Subject: RE: fix for broken Win32 build (again)
From: WJCarpenter (bill-abisource@carpenter.ORG)
Date: Sun Jul 09 2000 - 12:58:38 CDT

briggs> This patch fixes the Win32 build, which was broken after the
briggs> last batch of changes to the GR_Graphics stuff. As I've
briggs> learned lately, I'm not the only person who builds on Win32,
briggs> but apparently I am the one who complains the loudest. ;poke

First of all, thanks Tom, for fixing up the win32 build problems I
introduced with my patch. I see that they run the gamut from (1)
simple typos, through (2) wrong programming, to (3) missed instances
of the thing I was fixing. Ouch. Sorry.

Though I am just about done (hmm, maybe all the way done) making
changes that are not XP or Unix, I'd like to get a sense if there is a
better way to accomplish this kind of thing. On the one hand, we have
some changes that can be just stubbed out until platform-specific
folks can get to them. On the other hand, the changes I recently made
had to be changed in all platforms simultaneously (well, they didn't
have to be simultaneous in principal, but in practice it's the
simplest course).

Bleccch... I hate to think of myself as creating hassle for other
developers, but maybe I'm overestimating how much the hassle is being

On a related note, is there anyone who regularly build on non-Unix who
can reasonably easily put up the binaries for some kind of access? In
particular, I am able to run win32 binaries even though I'm not set up
to build them. I would like to able to compare how features look/work
on another platform, but the last win32 binary I have is the 0.7.10
release, which is sort of where I got on the train.

bill@carpenter.ORG (WJCarpenter)    PGP 0x91865119
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