RE: fix for broken Win32 build (again)

Subject: RE: fix for broken Win32 build (again)
From: Thomas Fletcher (
Date: Sun Jul 09 2000 - 18:17:50 CDT

On Sun, 9 Jul 2000, WJCarpenter wrote:

> On a related note, is there anyone who regularly build on non-Unix who
> can reasonably easily put up the binaries for some kind of access? In
> particular, I am able to run win32 binaries even though I'm not set up
> to build them. I would like to able to compare how features look/work
> on another platform, but the last win32 binary I have is the 0.7.10
> release, which is sort of where I got on the train.

Sure I could put up some Neutrino binaries for you if you like =;-).
I do a clean re-build of the tree each time that I actually sit down
to do some work. Things change at a pretty good pace (compared to
the time that I get to work on things) so it is the safest

These changes haven't caught me up, but I was banging on a different
part of the system today.


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