Re: Windows Weenie

Subject: Re: Windows Weenie
From: Eric W. Sink (
Date: Thu Jul 20 2000 - 20:59:30 CDT

> The Windows Weenie ( ;-) ) ...

Ah, that brings back old memories. :-) Totally off-topic story

When I was at Spyglass in the fall of 1992, we began wondering if
we should consider porting our products to Windows. There was a great
deal of resistance to the idea of betting on the Windows platform, but
we were open minded. I remember a lot of conversations that happened
as part of this decision process, especially the ones involved myself
and Tim Krauskopf, Spyglass' founder.

We eventually decided that it would be good to port our product to
Windows, and Tim began a search for a Windows programmer. Being the
Macintosh bigots that we were, we always referred to our to-be-hired
person as a 'Windows Weenie'. We tried to keep things discrete,
so we usually used the acronym WW instead of spelling things out.

Well, we finally hired our WW, and the guy we hired was Jeff Hostetler,
now known to the abiword-dev community as a major contributor, including
his work on the XP framework and the piece table code.

As time went on, Tim and I grew to regret our word choice more and more.
I ended up becoming the lead programmer for the Windows version of a
later product, thus establishing myself as a Windows Weenie also. Tim
gave up on the PowerBook line a long time ago, and now is an avid user
of ThinkPad's running <shudder> Windows. I think I've even seen him
running Visual Studio.

Meanwhile, it has been sad to watch MacOS lose pace with the times.
My wife is one of the few die-hard Mac users I still know.

Well anyway, like I said, this story has basically nothing to do with
AbiWord. I just couldn't resist a quick stroll down memory lane. :-)

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