Re: Any Plans on Using The Pspell Library any Time Soon.

Subject: Re: Any Plans on Using The Pspell Library any Time Soon.
From: WJCarpenter (bill-abisource@carpenter.ORG)
Date: Fri Jul 28 2000 - 16:04:50 CDT

al> This is, of course, if there are no objections to switching over
al> to Pspell. There are definately none from me.

OK, I'll bite. I don't know anything about Pspell -- good, bad, or
indifferent. Given that we have an embedded ispell that works (at
least on Unix ... does it work elsewhere?), what goodies would we get
with Pspell?

Here are the "bad" things I know about ispell (and some aren't that

1. Maybe limited platforms (I don't actually know in the Abi case if
there's such a limit).

2. Conflicts with dictionary formats because of other "native"
versions of ispell installed on a particular user's machine.

3. Can't spell-check a word longer than 100 characters.

4. Probably some limitations on spell-checking arbitrary Unicode, but
Latin-1 (maybe Latin-*) is OK.

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