Palm Doc Exporter

Subject: Palm Doc Exporter
From: David Nay (
Date: Sun Jul 30 2000 - 22:56:35 CDT

Hey there everyone!

Here is my first working copy of the PalmDoc export
filter. With the following TODO's:

1. Currently only creates uncompressed databases.
2. I need to strip the path name from the database
3. The code is still kinda sloppy in places
   I tried to conform with the abisource standards as
   much as possible, but I still need work.
4. The code is still kinda sloppy in places
   This is my first C++ project :-)

The two major points are that it does produce a
database the Palm can read, and it does not break the
build (0.7.10 Release).

I have not included the required changes to ie_types.h
& ie_exp.cpp. This is only one line each.

Those of you with Palms, please give it a try and give
me some feedback, those of you without Palms, please
give me some feedback anyway.


Since I gave up hope, I feel much better.

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