Re: Overwrite mode (was Re: I hope this question is in the right forum)

Subject: Re: Overwrite mode (was Re: I hope this question is in the right forum)
From: Henrik Berg (
Date: Tue Jun 06 2000 - 02:58:42 CDT

> Can we PLEASE disable the use of overwrite mode by default? It is very
> annoying to people like me who wouldn't ever need to use it and turn it
> on accidentally, but far more dangerously confusing to those who will be
> supprised when all of a sudden their text starts being overwriten and they
> have no idea how they turned it on or how they should turn it off.
In my favorite editor I have change the key binding of INS to Ctrl-Shift-Alt-INS to make it inpossible to 'hit it by mistake'.

If we put 'Overwrite mode' in the 'Edit' menu the correct keybinding would be shown, and could be some thing less trubblesom as INS.


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