Re: Prep for AbiWord 0.7.10 - Slight BeOS update..

Subject: Re: Prep for AbiWord 0.7.10 - Slight BeOS update..
From: Ben Hall (
Date: Tue Jun 13 2000 - 07:48:36 CDT


I dl'd the Abi CVS sources last night, and took my first serious poke
through them. I am wanting to do work on the BeOS port, but I haven't
done any Be programming yet, so I won't be much good for a little

However, I have started to fix a serious problem. As it is right now,
every version of Abi I have tried, (0.78, 79 and last night's CVS tree)
crash when you try to write to new file.

I've narrowed the problem down to one area of one file:
I simply commented out delete [] name at about line 80. Now it saves
without dying, but it'll eventually segfault later (presumably because
of the memory leak I made..)

I know that this isn't much of a patch, but I only had about 20 minutes
to work on it, and I've never really looked at Abi code before. I'll be
spending more time on it tonight, though...

BTW, a few problems with the BeOS port as it stands are:

- no cursor
- no highlight
- most dialogs don't work (font does, though)
- all of the less obvious things I didn't notice in the 10 minutes I
spent using it..

Anyway, that's where that stands.. does anyone at Sourcegear work on the
BeOS port, ot is it a community (Thomas) development? For what it's
worth, if I were releasing 0.7.0, I wouldn't release a BeOS binary at
this point in time.. (maybe a new 0.79 release when I get the save
thing right, though..)

It's interesting, AbiWord is one of the 10 most downloaded apps on
bebits, but saving crashes.. Just think, if that gets straightened out,
it'll be useful to a slew of more users..

Also, to clarify the problem, it only crashes when you save to a new
file, opening and saving existing files are no problem. (I'm sure that
it's the delete [] name.)

Ben wrote:
> Well, the day is coming to a close here at SourceGear, and as usuual, a variety of problems have prevented us from shipping 0.7.10. Most notably, the Windows make distribution target needs some tweaking. We are getting closer, however.
> In the mean time, until 8:00 Central Daylight time tomorrow, the tree is open again. Anybody wanting to make a check in may do so, with the following disclaimer: Make sure your check in does not cause any compilation or serious issues on other platforms. If so, you will become one of my least favorite people.
> Our current plan was to not ship BeOS builds, so if somebody wants to take a crack at a commit to fix these (such as the one suggested by Dom Lachowicz), please do. Also, we will try Paul's suggestion of blowing away all of the directories so thet configure scripts are re-run.
> Robert Sievers

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