Re: Scripting

Subject: Re: Scripting
From: Aaron Lehmann (
Date: Fri Jun 23 2000 - 19:59:10 CDT

> Personally, I prefer Python, but I rather doubt that our users
> are going to appreciate that much more. It's easy, but it's
> just not Visual Basic. If there is ever such a thing as a normal
> user of AbiWord who wants it to have scripting, then they want
> it to be VB.

First off, I admit that I don't know visual basic and I don't want to. But
is there anything specifically easier or friendlier about this proprietary
language or is it just FUD from microsoft?

> I could picture us implementing Guile, simply as a self-serving
> effort to please ourselves, the geeks of the project. However,
> I don't think we would want our users to know about it. Guile
> is the antithesis of K.I.S.S.

I don't see anything wrong with pleasing the geeks too. Selfishly, I work
on AbiWord for fun and I don't really have a user focus. I think it's
important to focus on users but I don't like doing it myself in an open
source context. I definately don't see anything wrong with user focus.

Aaron Lehmann

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