Re: status of tabs dialog?

Subject: Re: status of tabs dialog?
From: Paul Rohr (
Date: Fri Mar 24 2000 - 00:27:40 CST


Thanks for posting the patch. I've read it through to get an idea of what
work is still remaining, but I'd like you to confirm that the following
summary is more-or-less accurate:

1. You've silenced a few more of those annoying unused variable warnings.

2. The fl_TabStop structure is no longer private -- you're actually using
copies of it in the dialog now as well (even though it's not passed across
the API boundary).

In that case, the struct should probably be renamed as FL_TabStop, since
it's no longer private.

3. You've added enums to get around the HACKish cloning of FL_TAB_LEFT and
friends, which is nice. However, it'd probably be more consistent to rename
these new typedefs FL_TabType and FL_TabLeader instead.

I'm also tempted to suggest that they should be moved to a public fl_types.h
file to avoid exposing fl_BlockLayout.h outside the view module, but that's
being pretty picky.

4. It looks like a bunch of the tab dialog behaviors have been added to XP
code, but without a working version, I'm not sure what else might be needed
there. A useful milestone would be to get some subset of the controls
completely working.

5. Tab leaders are now parsed from the tabstops property. I couldn't tell
whether they're displayed in the dialog yet or not, but there's currently no
way to change them so they can be stored out to the file. It looks like
that's what you were working on when you stopped.

6. Tab leaders are not drawn at all. Yet. Since we already have TabRuns,
it shouldn't be that hard, though.

7. Since the XP and Unix work isn't done yet, you haven't stubbed out the
dialogs on the other platforms. In addition to the usual cut and paste job
on the platform-specific stub classes, this will also require stubbing in
all the new virtual set/gather etc. implementations expected by the XP base

What else did I miss?

At 06:27 PM 3/20/00 -0600, Stephen Hack wrote:
>That last thing I did on the Tabs dialog was to create an enumerated type for
>tab types, instead of cutting and pasting the #defines. There is some bug
>that I've introduced into the code, and I've not had the time to track it

What's the bug? The only suspicious thing I saw in your latest patch was
at line 150 of fb_LineBreaker.cpp, where you probably want to be calling
findNextTabStopInLayoutUnits() instead.

>I've glad somebody has offered to help. The code has some working features,
>but it's too rough, and broken to check into the main tree.

OK. If you don't want to check it in yet, I won't do so either. :-) That
can wait until you or Glen have made some more headway.

>This semester, before I graduate,
>has been extremely busy finding jobs, interviewing, and planning my wedding
>and honeymoon, etc.



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