Fw: Raccourcis clavier et i18n

Subject: Fw: Raccourcis clavier et i18n
From: Mike Nordell (tamlin@algonet.se)
Date: Sun May 07 2000 - 00:51:46 CDT

> In English the boldface icon is a thick B. En français ça s'appelle
> Gras, und
> auf deutsch Fett. But the shortcut is still Ctrl-B. Ça me semble un peu
> inconsistent...

Au contraire.

The english keymappings for Bold was CTRL+B in MSWord, and Find was
CTR+F. Since many developers for numerous reasons prefer the english
version of any software instead of the usually delayed localized one,
these keystrokes becomes a habit. When you once in a while then have to
use a localized version that also remapped these keys, things get

Microsoft did this by mapping Bold to CTRL+F ("Fetstil" in swedish).
"Now, what do we map Find to?". Need I say it, CTR+B.

Imagine to turn on boldface anytime you want to find something, and when
you do want boldface, you get the find dialog. I say that keyboard
shortcuts should not change.

Just my $0.02.


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