commit: Cursor now blinks in the window attached to a modeless dialog.

Subject: commit: Cursor now blinks in the window attached to a modeless dialog.
From: Martin Sevior (
Date: Thu May 18 2000 - 23:33:42 CDT

On Thu, 18 May 2000, Paul Egli wrote:
> Now If I only knew which document that was...
> It's really nice now that the cursor blinks only in the current active
> window. I propose that if the current active window is the "Insert Symbol"
> window, then the cursor of the last active document should blink (the one
> where the symbol will be inserted).
> Does anyone even agree? And could this feature be feasibly implemented?

Yes and Yes. The code to make the cursor blink in the window attached to a
modeless dialog is now committed.



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