commit - fixed the gnome version of the word count dialog box

Subject: commit - fixed the gnome version of the word count dialog box
From: CUENCA ABELA Joaquin (
Date: Sat May 27 2000 - 11:34:07 CDT


I've fixed too the "look" of this dialog (a bug ?).
Martin has done a wonderful work with the modelessization (?) of that

I've attached a screenshot with the new look (like the old one, but with
a horizontal separator between the window contents and the row of
buttons, and with a border for the table inside the frame).

P.S.: Please, respect the difference between _constructWindow and
_constructWindowContents. _constructWindowContents is for the
construction of all the widgets, but the buttons widgets and the
(possible) separator widget (and, of course the hbox that contains the
row of buttons).

Joaquín Cuenca Abela


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