Re[4]: 0.7.12 for Monday?

Subject: Re[4]: 0.7.12 for Monday?
From: hashao (
Date: Wed Nov 08 2000 - 21:03:02 CST

Hello Belcon,

On Thursday, November 09, 2000, Belcon Zhao wrote:
>>From: Vlad Harchev <>

BZ> Yes,it work perfectly for me,either GB2312 or Big5.


BZ> No.CJK characters fonts are TTF.So,you needn't to copy any Type1 fonts.Just
BZ> use which you have installed in you system.
BZ> BTW:fonts.dir of GB2312/ has different format against fonts.dir of
BZ> Abisuite/fonts/. If you doesn't familiar with it,I can send a style
BZ> to you.

So I don't need to put fonts in ${prefix}/fonts/GB2312. Only the
fonts.dir in hj's format should be in that directory? As long as there
are CJK TTF fonts installed in my X11's lib/fonts/misc/ directory, it
will do CJK display fine? Good, I will give it a try.

>> I believe that user has to set $LC_MESSAGES=en rather than tweak $LANG.
>> Anyway - AW uses a wrapper, so it would be easy to tweak it.

Yes, it can be done this way.


Best regards,

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