Documentation Search Function

Subject: Documentation Search Function
From: Ashleigh Gordon (
Date: Thu Nov 09 2000 - 06:04:44 CST

Here is a html page to search the help. It uses javascript to do so. I have tested it on the IE5, Netscape 4.6(both windows and Linux) and Konquerer, and works on them all. Can someone commit this please? And someone will need to change the help menu so clicking on help search points to the help directory. Also I have a few questions:
1. Are we going to keep french and english help together. If we are, I'll link to the french images that show no french in them(eg. the undo button).
2. There was a suggestion a while ago that we save to *.doc format by just renaming the *.rtf filter. Is this going to happen?
3. Is there someone I can email the updated help to, as it will probably be a small update to many of the files.


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