Re: I can't enable smartquotes in my AW for some reason

Subject: Re: I can't enable smartquotes in my AW for some reason
From: WJCarpenter (bill-abisource@carpenter.ORG)
Date: Mon Nov 13 2000 - 14:36:19 CST

vlad> Of course I fighted with AbiWord.profile a lot. It also itself
vlad> behaves very strange: I put in it <Scheme name="_custom_"
vlad> SmartQuotesEnable="1" /> run AW (smartquotes are not activated,
vlad> though the check in preferences dialog is there), close it, look
vlad> at AbiWord.profile and see that this section is gone, and
vlad> SmartQuotesEnable="1" is moved to _builtin_ scheme. I run AW
vlad> without modifying AbiWord.profile - again - no smartquotes
vlad> (though the check in dialog is still checked. Of course I keep
vlad> $LANG=en. And I didn't modify remap glyph table.

I think you are seeing a combination of things that end up loking

1. I recollect that the default for SmartQuotesEnable is to be "on"
(ie, "1"). AbiWord preferences routines have the feature that if a
custom value is the same as a built-in value, the custom value is not
written back out to the preferences file. So, you probably are
getting the right value.

2. SmartQuotes often looks like it is not doing anything, especially
on Unix. The reason is that the SmartQuotes algorithm can map the
"plain quotes" character to a character that doesn't exist in the font
you're using. Then, RemapGlyphs (a completely separate feature) maps
the missing characters back according to RemapGlyphsTable and related
preference variables. By default the table maps the missing smart
quotes back to the plain quotes versions (not a coincidence).

For debugging SmartQuotes stuff, I recommend changing the
RemapGlyphsTable to characters you know you have. For example, this
setting uses single and double angle brackets:


(The preference item value is just a list of character pairs, but they
often need encoding because of AbiWord's import/export of the
preferences file.)

bill@carpenter.ORG (WJCarpenter)    PGP 0x91865119
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