Re: Release Critical Bugs

Subject: Re: Release Critical Bugs
From: Martin Sevior (
Date: Wed Nov 15 2000 - 02:31:58 CST

HI Sam,

        I'm not sure we need to fix rtf import/export of fields before

2. We could live without a new Windows List dialog if it takes too long to
write one.

3. Tom Briggs says Spell check on Windows works. Can we have confirmation
on this?

4. Can we get a clear description of the Smart Quotes bug? Sorry I missed

Whoops I just found a bad new bug. Deleting a paragraph with a list
element with Spelling disabled causes a segfault. I think I know the
problem and will fix it. My previous fix to disable spell checking caused

Can we get an estimated time for the QNX packaging and BeOS text flow bug

It may not be worthwhile to hold up 0.7.12 for too long to fix the BeOS


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