Re: your mail

Subject: Re: your mail
From: WJCarpenter (bill-abisource@carpenter.ORG)
Date: Wed Nov 15 2000 - 19:47:13 CST

sam> > > Using << and >> as quotation marks is not a solution. In the
sam> united > states, where I believe a plurality of Abi users are
sam> from, such marks > are practically unheard of.

I think what Sam is saying is that the "<<" and ">>" stuff is not used
at all in American English (nor any English variant that I know of).
Furthermore, it is in our generic barbarian American concious to think
that because we don't use them, such glyphs don't exist. :-)

vlad> When I started hacking AW, << and >> were used as smartquotes
vlad> AFAIR. Also I've just checked "bitstream charter" and "goth" -
vlad> the fonts shipped with AW, - they only contain "<<" and ">>", so
vlad> you seem to be wrong.

Standard ISO-8859-1 fonts (256 characters) include the "<<" and ">>".
They are in the "upper half", ie not part of the ASCII subset. The
Unicode "smart quote" glyphs are not part of such fonts. That's just
the reality of what glyphs are laying around, and it is a separate
question from which glyphs should actually be used, etc.

sam> I just checked both of those fonts, and they do contain the "
sam> character. And I'm pretty sure that you were the one
sam> hallucinating about << and >> being the default before. CVS
sam> doesn't indicate anything like that.

I don't recall "<<" and ">>" ever being the default for SmartQuotes,
although I did use them quite a bit in custom values of
RemapGlpyhsTable in examples I posted to the list back in the days
when I was actively working on this. So, that impression could have
arisen. Without a custom setting for RemapGlyphsTable, I don't think
anyone working on Unix ever saw SmartQuotes working in any visible

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