International Character Input

Subject: International Character Input
From: Daniel Lenski (
Date: Tue Nov 21 2000 - 00:28:28 CST


I'm a Linux developer and AbiWord user. I'm interested in adding one of
my favorite Microsoft Word features to AbiWord: the ability to input
accented and foreign characters with the keystrokes
CTRL+punctuation,letter, as in CTRL+',e which produces an E with an acute
accent mark.

I have a few questions:
(1) It looks like I need to delve in ap_EditMethods.cpp ... am I right?
(2) Should I try to worry about character encodings or simply hardcode
    the ISO-8859-1 character codes (which is what Microsoft does)?
(3) What development environments do people use for editing the AbiWord
    code? Although I love EMACS, it's not so great when you have to
    edit a ton of different files.

Hopefully I'll get this feature added real soon now(TM) and I'll be a hero
to everyone who has to type in French or Spanish or German, but hates
changing their keyboard layout :-) Thanks in advance for your advice!

Daniel Lenski

"If we couldn't laugh at things that didn't make sense, we couldn't react to a lot of the world around us." --Calvin and Hobbes

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