Re: PATCH: unix paragraph dialog fixes

Subject: Re: PATCH: unix paragraph dialog fixes
From: Vlad Harchev (
Date: Fri Oct 06 2000 - 09:31:11 CDT

On 6 Oct 2000, Anders Melchiorsen wrote:

> Vlad Harchev <> wrote on 05-Oct-00:
> > Yes, the only dialog remaining is "Paragraph" dialog. But it will
> > be hard to change it - will require more than 4 hours IMO.
> I have now made the Paragraph dialog usable with large fonts and/or
> other languages (I have only checked with different fonts, though).
> You were right, it was a mess to change - everything used fixed
> values. I now only use a fixed size for the preview area since I was
> not immediately able to find a way to make that one resizable.
> Someone, please apply this. The last bit of the patch increases the
> preview font from 5 points to 7 points, which I found nice. If there
> is a reason not to do that, just skip that part of the patch.

  I didn't try this, but I believe it's nicely done :)

> > Also, all dialogs should be checked whether making them
> > not-resizeable (but not fixed-size of course) makes sense. A lot of
> > dialogs that contan GtkCList should be made growable IMO.
> Yes. It would also be nice to make the dialogs more simillar. Right
> now some dialogs have action buttons (ok, cancel, ...) at the bottom,
> others at the right hand side. Seperators, space, and default buttons
> are also used rather randomly.

 I think that fixing stupid bugs should have top priority. Unfortunately,
there are a lot of them.
 The one I can point right now:

1) Opening any modal window and pressing windowmanager's "close window" button
   violates some assertion.
2) Font dialog doesn't support all "strike" variants - there are 3
   (over,under,though) strike modes, but dialog allows only 2 of them.
   Also, in preview of that dialog, none of "strike" effects is actually
3) It's impossible to specify name of dictionary from GUI.
4) Zoom ratio combobox doesn't allow editing (so you can't specify 39% there -
        only via view->zoom dialog).
5) Wishitem - ability to specify color of "sheet" (instead of white).

  Seems these bugs don't require knowledege of AW's internals to fix them.

> I guess the reason that many dialogs are left "good enough" instead of
> "perfect" is that it is a major pain to hand edit the machine
> generated sources. It would be really, really nice if Glade could be
> used to modify the GTK+ GUIs. Then we could have a crisp, consistent
> GUI for GTK+.

 I don't understand exactly what you mean be "if Glade could be
 used to modify the GTK+ GUIs". There is a 'gle' module in gnome cvs that can
be used for dumping the structure of already existing (and shown) dialogs. I
didn't try it. It seems it won't be hard to construct glade interface
definitions from those descriptions.

> --
> Regards, Anders
> (address is valid)

 Best regards,

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