Re: PATCH: unix paragraph dialog fixes

Subject: Re: PATCH: unix paragraph dialog fixes
From: Anders Melchiorsen (
Date: Fri Oct 06 2000 - 11:15:36 CDT

Vlad Harchev <> wrote:

> I think that fixing stupid bugs should have top
> priority. Unfortunately, there are a lot of them. The one I can
> point right now:

Yeah, there are quite a few glitches :-/. Unfortunately I do not have
time to continuously work on AbiWord.

> I don't understand exactly what you mean be "if Glade could be used
> to modify the GTK+ GUIs". There is a 'gle' module in gnome cvs that
> can be used for dumping the structure of already existing (and
> shown) dialogs. I didn't try it. It seems it won't be hard to
> construct glade interface definitions from those descriptions.

As it is now, the GTK+ calls of the GUI are mixed with the glue to the
XP code of AW. Thus, using Glade to update the GTK+ part would mean
having to manually adjust the code to interface to AW again.

I believe the AW part of the GUI should have been kept in a source
module separate from the Glade output, but there might have been
reasons for not doing that - I don't know. The i18n stuff is probably
one reason, though I am not certain how good it is.

I spent a day fixing the paragraph dialog; I could probably have been
done in an hour if I could just have used Glade to modify the parts
that were originally done using Glade anyway.

I also have not tried 'gle', so no comment on that one.

Regards, Anders
(address is valid)

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