Re: Linking against libjpeg ?

Subject: Re: Linking against libjpeg ?
From: Joaquin Cuenca Abela (
Date: Wed Apr 18 2001 - 12:39:25 CDT

On 18 Apr 2001 18:33:52 +0100, wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 18, 2001 at 12:11:31PM -0500, Sam TH wrote:
> > And, I would suggest making that a criteria for any new feature - If
> > you haven't started now, it won't go in 1.0. Period.
> > How does that sound?
> >From 0.9.0 onwards, good. Send all new features to the 1.1 branch :)
> Until then, I think it's not reasonable to do this.
> AbiWord still has a lot of features in need not expected before the 1.0. The fact that they are still not here, should not mean that they have to be post 1.0.
> For instance, tables. It's VERY inportant. So much, that I'd even break the rule of not adding features between 0.9.0 and 1.0 if a good implementation was proposed (in source form).

It think that tables is the only feature that everybody misses.
Besides than that (and even taking that in account), I think that we can
proud enough of our current feature set.

I want to remember that 1.0 is stable, not feature complete. There are
many MANY *MANY* things that I want to see in abiword. By now we just
have a subset of all the word features (modulo some features that abi
has and word don't has, but overall word beats us nearly everywhere),
and word has just a set of the features that I want to see one day in

The point is to have a stable release that can be used by the many
people (and except by tables, imo we have a wp that can be used by many

Gnome 1.0 sucked because gmc was segfaulting each ~10 seconds.
Netscape 6 sucks because some very very trivial pages with javascript (a
simple rollover) can produce a segfault (well, in addition it takes ~10
times more mem that explorer).

I think that we should focus in speed, low mem usage, and 0 (*ZERO*)
critical bugs. If microsoft lost me as customer it was because excel
lost 4 hours of a *very* tedious work.

If we can add tables, revisions, equations & floating images/stuff by
1.2, we will kick many asses, but let's going to finish first 1.0.

PS.: I will not say what features I think should be in 1.0 or not. I'm
just saying that it will not suck if we ship a rock-solid abi based in
our current feature set and we call it 1.0.


Joaquín Cuenca Abela

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