Re: Graphic Images

Subject: Re: Graphic Images
From: Hubert Figuiere (
Date: Fri Apr 20 2001 - 03:03:09 CDT

According to Paul Rohr <>:
> all rely on the same underlying libraries (libpng, libjpeg, etc.) that we'd
> be using *anyways*, then it should be pretty easy to choose between them
> according to the following criteria:
> - which is someone willing to maintain?
> - which has the best platform coverage?

libjpeg and libpng have the best platform coverage. IM too, but it depends on
these two former.

> - which bloats our binary the least?

libjpeg and libpng. Making them static or dynamic will depend on the platform.
Most Linux distro and *BSD have them as packages. GNOME build require them.
For MacOS X, I'll put them as a shared library inside the bundle (to save memory),
and BeOS provide them too.

> - which is most efficient at run-time? (both speed and memory)

The less layer we have, the best efficient it is. libpng and libjpeg are low level
and easy to use. So I think we should use them directly.


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