Re: Commit: Palm Doc Importer

Subject: Re: Commit: Palm Doc Importer
From: Dom Lachowicz (
Date: Sat Feb 03 2001 - 22:50:48 CST

>Thanks for commiting this patch. I have not looked at
>the tweaks you made yet, but I wanted to let you and
>everyone know about a specific problem I was having
>last time I worked with the exporter. Exporting a
>virgin file seems to work OK, but if you attempt to
>export to an existing file, then the resulting .pdf
>file is unreadable. Also, the exporter does not use
>100% of the compression spec, but as you noted it does
>not affect the ability to read the files, they are
>just larger than they should be. I will take a look
>atthe code again when I get the time (sorry for the
>lack of a specific time :-( )

Hi Dave,

I'll take a look at the problem that you mentioned.

I initially ran into some problems when exporting. You called 'm_pbuf = new
buffer' a lot, and much of the code assumed that the buffer would be full of
NULL ('\0') bytes. I just added some code to "zero out" the buffer in key
places. I also coded a RecognizeContents method that works and removed some
redundant UT_DEBUGMSG warnings.

I noticed that the decryption routine didn't use the full amount provided by
the specs I saw on, but it's "good enough" for now :-)


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