Re: Optimization Opportunities 1 [long]

Subject: Re: Optimization Opportunities 1 [long]
From: Mike Nordell (
Date: Mon Feb 05 2001 - 10:38:22 CST

Sam TH wrote:
>> The fread() is a potentially very costly operation. Do "we" control the
>> FILE*? [...]
>In what sense do you mean "own"?

Do we, Abi code, open (fopen() ) that file stream.

>Those sound like good ideas. Feel free to check them in, or just to
>provide a patch if you want me to profile again.

My changes would not affect coverage figures. Since I don't do Unix
currently´, and even that I do know how to make these changes I currently
won't (so call me stubborn :-) ). At least not until performance figures
have been displayed. Should anyone Unix see the need to fix this, you all
know what to alias by using a ptr or ref. from my earlier post.

> I thought those numbers were weird too. But they are what gcov gave
> me when I ran it. Maybe later I'll create a new run, and see if I
> still get weird data. But it would be nice to see what you find.

Well, I don't have access to any coverage analyzer, but I sure have access
to a performance analyzer that rocks. :-)
OK, I'll do an (somewhat) optimized build and see how this turns out (though
it will not be 100% accurate since I have to turn off some flags to get
somewhat real figures). I can't promise anything, but I hope it will be
within the next day or two. If it appears I forgotten it, please remind me
since I have a s**t-load of other stuff to do also (but I don't want this
one to just be forgotten, so I really like to be remonded in case it seems I
have forgotten it).

[rewriting EV_UnixMenu::synthesizeMenu]
> Could this be a POW?

I think we all have more stuff that's more pressing atm, but I'd add it
pretty high in the TODO files. Unless (!) someone lurking feel they want to
try something. This is reasonably easy and would put your name in the
CONTRIB file. :-) Anyone want to do this? (pleeease!)

Anyway, I think it should be added to the TODO. Could you add it Sam?

> Can you commit [...] My tree doesn't have Makefiles any more :-)

Done, and (according to my own complaint) I'll also post a commit message.

> Also, optimized builds start too fast. :-)

Well, isn't this perhaps a place of "premature optimization"? (OK, I don't
know at all what monster of a machine you run :-) ).

> And as for real time, AbiWord really does start faster than emacs.

There you go, AW *is* ... (fill in that space yourself, but perhaps "kicking
a**" is a template? :-) ).


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