RE: Upcoming releases

Subject: RE: Upcoming releases
From: Pierre Abbat (
Date: Mon Feb 12 2001 - 19:58:52 CST

On Mon, 12 Feb 2001, Martin Sevior wrote:
>I vote for 0.90-prerelease. I have some more time comming up next week
>when I can really goof off and develop for Abi. Of the issues I just
>listed the only one I see as a problem is the Styles dialog.
>That's because I don't understand what styles are meant to do and have
>never found the need to use them.

As I understand it, they are for this: If you want heading 1 to be in Georgia
instead of Arial, and heading 2 to be a smaller Georgia, you change the style,
and all the headings change, unless you have specified that that heading should
be something else.

I may have a fuller explanation later, but I just finished cvs updating the
tree, and it's time to apply those patches.


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