Re: Is there any opposition to a debian/ top-level subdir?

Subject: Re: Is there any opposition to a debian/ top-level subdir?
From: Aaron Lehmann (
Date: Tue Feb 13 2001 - 01:55:09 CST

On Mon, Feb 12, 2001 at 05:44:35PM -0800, Paul Rohr wrote:
> Where does the Debian build farm get the sources it builds binary packages
> from? I've been assuming that:
> - it's *not* our CVS repository
> - it's some tarball at Debian that gets periodically updated
> If so, it should be *trivial* for whoever updates that tarball to write a
> script that does the rearranging work needed for the following
> transformation:
> input -- our CVS repository, a release tag
> output -- the source tarball to upload to the Debian build farm
> Such a script belongs in our CVS repository in abi/src/pkg/linux/debian, and
> should be triggered by "make distribution" or the equivalent. The fact that
> .deb binary packages also happen to get spit out of our build system is, for
> the purposes of this discussion, irrelevant.

That's what I think we'll do. The alternative was to feed the build
farm a pristine upstream tarball. Doesn't seem like that will work
out, and it's not a big issue. Forget I mentioned it all.

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