Re: Is there any opposition to a debian/ top-level subdir?

Subject: Re: Is there any opposition to a debian/ top-level subdir?
From: Paul Rohr (
Date: Mon Feb 12 2001 - 19:44:35 CST

At 05:13 PM 2/12/01 -0800, Aaron Lehmann wrote:
>On Mon, Feb 12, 2001 at 03:44:05PM -0800, Paul Rohr wrote:
>> I thought the whole point was to produce a Debian-format package --
>> basically a tarball with a specific format, no? -- that could be
uploaded to
>> wherever official Debian things live. (Just because our stuff lives in
>> in a slightly different format shouldn't matter.) This activity would
>> happen whenever the Debian maintainer wanted a release blessed with the
>> magic Debian holy water.
>The Debian developer is not the only one who compiles the packages. A
>cluster of computers called the build farm does it too. It isn't OK to
>have custom compilation instructions.

Call me stubborn, but there must be something glaringly obvious that I'm
still missing, and it's driving me nuts. Please humor me a little longer.

Where does the Debian build farm get the sources it builds binary packages
from? I've been assuming that:

  - it's *not* our CVS repository
  - it's some tarball at Debian that gets periodically updated

If so, it should be *trivial* for whoever updates that tarball to write a
script that does the rearranging work needed for the following

  input -- our CVS repository, a release tag
  output -- the source tarball to upload to the Debian build farm

Such a script belongs in our CVS repository in abi/src/pkg/linux/debian, and
should be triggered by "make distribution" or the equivalent. The fact that
.deb binary packages also happen to get spit out of our build system is, for
the purposes of this discussion, irrelevant.

>To reiterate again, I was pointing out that it would simplify
>maintenance slightly to have a debian/ dir. This doesn't fit with our
>heirarchy policy, so I will drop it.

Gotcha. The only reason I'm continuing the thread is because it still seems
like you might be able to have your cake (preserve our hierarchy) and eat it
too (give Debian the sources they need).

>I'm not like some libglade freak
>that argues on and on forever against the consensus ;-).

I'm flattered, I think, but it's been a long while since anyone considered
posts from me on topics I know little about (in this case, Debian packaging)
to be a consensus. :-)


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