RE: equation editor non-image importing

Subject: RE: equation editor non-image importing
From: F J Franklin (
Date: Wed Feb 14 2001 - 05:41:18 CST

Can I ask: Why is only PNG supported? - Or am I wrong?

Converting everything to PNG does seem to be God's gift to data loss. From
the point of view of interchanging file-format between MSWord and abiword,
the ability to save/preserve images as type WMF would simplify matters

I would love to have WMF support in abiword, but IMHO I don't think libwmf
is ready (yet). Bitmap support currently requires Xpm and uses system ()
calls (!), and the frequent use of temporary files (often forgotten and
left) frustrates me no end.

Don't get me wrong: libwmf is a great package, but I feel a cleaner, more
thread-safe implementation is required - and, in fact, I have been working
on just such a rewrite on-and-off for the past two months. I estimate that
the only *required* dependency for PNG support will be freetype.

Regards, Frank

Francis James Franklin

Diodorus the professor of logic died of shame because he could not at once
solve a problem put to him in jest by Stilpo.
                                                       --- Pliny the Elder

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