Re: Gnotices coverage

Subject: Re: Gnotices coverage
From: Aaron Lehmann (
Date: Sun Feb 25 2001 - 22:27:14 CST

On Mon, Feb 26, 2001 at 03:10:43PM +1100, Tim Allen wrote:
> 1) the quality of discourse on Gnotices has improved
> 2) AbiWord has, by sheer persistence, established itself better in Gnomish
> hearts and minds
> 3) AbiWord is now actually good enough that finding serious fault is a
> task beyond the typical Gnotices whinger

#3 is certianly true, but that doesn't have anything to do with AbiWord.
Another possible cause is that is that Gnomers realized their crap is even
worse than the evil-c++-cross-platformism inherent in abiword and
thought it would be unwise to chide things that don't work the way
they like for fear of Gnome being criticized for it's faults. But I
would be very atypical of Gnomers since they often critcize things
like Unix that are far better than their own software.

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