Gnotices coverage

Subject: Gnotices coverage
From: Tim Allen (
Date: Sun Feb 25 2001 - 22:10:43 CST

I just checked the coverage in Gnotices, and was surprised to see that the
feedback is mainly positive! Must be a first. AFAICT, none of the usual
whining about the "costs" of cross-platform development slowing the
project down, or about how C++ is evil because the poster doesn't
understand it. Possible explanations:

1) the quality of discourse on Gnotices has improved

2) AbiWord has, by sheer persistence, established itself better in Gnomish
hearts and minds

3) AbiWord is now actually good enough that finding serious fault is a
task beyond the typical Gnotices whinger

I suspect a combination of 2 and 3 :-).


Tim Allen
Proximity Pty Ltd

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