AbiSaurus 0.06

Subject: AbiSaurus 0.06
From: Jared Davis (aiken@clan11.com)
Date: Wed Jul 11 2001 - 00:54:26 CDT

AbiSaurus 0.06 is ready for public consumption. It's datafiles are slightly
larger than v0.05's, and take up 2.6 megs instead of 2.4 megs according to

Main changes:

    - incorporates part-of-speech information to group words into categories
      (nouns, verbs, adjectives, advebs, and so forth).

    - searches are now case-insensitive, so searching for fOoL is the same
      searching for fool.

(1) was a pain in the butt to implement, and I'm not sure it was entirely
worth it. Opinions are welcome.

The URL, if you've managed to forget somehow:



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