Re: Release/Tree closing

Subject: Re: Release/Tree closing
From: James Montgomerie (
Date: Wed Jul 11 2001 - 14:28:39 CDT

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but I thought I'd drop a note about
the BeOS version.

It's in a mess. I haven't had much time to spend on anything other than
uni work for a while (I graduated today! Wooo!), so I haven't even been
booted into BeOS for a couple of months, but even the last time I
looked, a couple of months ago, I was not seeing release quality code.
 I'd be extremely surprised if it doesn't take a couple of hours just to
get the current CVS to build.

Being that the only person who seems at-all interested in the BeOS
version for actual use* instead of simply having an abstract 'it's be
cool to be cross platform' feeling (which, make no mistake, I also
share), I can't see it being ressurected any time soon. If there's
interest, I can try to get my drawing, ruler and toolbar improvements
into a coherent state and get the build compiling again, but if there's
not, I can't really see much point.

In short, I'd like us to declare the BeOS version 'legacy' and
'unmaintained'. I think references to supporting BeOS should be removed
from the web page, and the screen shots taken out of the rotate-o-rama
screenshot display on the front page.

It's a sad day.


* Though, I have to admit, I hardly ever use BeOS now. It's sad to see
a great OS die without ever really having a chance to live. Still, my
new iBook should arrive soon - perhaps I'll find time to work on the Mac
OS X version instead.

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