Re: localization formats proposal

Subject: Re: localization formats proposal
From: Dom Lachowicz (
Date: Fri Jul 20 2001 - 08:37:35 CDT

> What it boils down to is that we ship with the
> American hash but not the British hash. I strongly
> feel the British hash has much more widespread use in
> all but one English speaking country as a reasonable
> stand-in for our own English dialects - which seem not
> to have ispell/pspell dictionaries available.
> A good fix would be something roughly like this:
> * Ship with both American and British dicitonaries.
> (Or have a package including British instead)
> * Implement a "Just Works" mechanism that allows
> en-** users to spellcheck documents with a "close
> enough" dictionary instead of having no
> spellchecking
> (as it is now), or marking the document as some
> other language/dialect just to get spellchecking.
> * Figure out how this really should relate to our
> locale system, options dialog, etc.
> * Deep thought about same for different flavours of
> French, German, the dialetc problem in general.
> Does that make it clearer?

Ok, this is what I thought you had meant. Let me address it:

We have the AbiSpell package. It contains a british.hash file that people are
free to download and install. en-AU, en-NZ, en-GB, en-IE, and en-CA will use
this hash file if it's installed. If it isn't installed, then all words will be
ignored, because we don't have a proper dictionary for the language installed.

Now, if people want to cp american.hash british.hash instead of downloading a
working hashfile from us, that's their problem, IMO. The alternative is there
and it's simple (and even well-documented. i have a doc that explains all of
this in simple user-terms)

Also, many distributions will set up abiword to use their own shipped ispell
hash files (installed in /usr/lib/ispell or something like that) which will use
the system-shippe dictionaries. This means that if the en-GB locale is installe
don your box, you'll have a british.hash and Abi will use it. This is also
documented in my spelling.abw file.

So are there any outstanding issues, or have I just addressed all of them?


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