Lists behaviour

Subject: Lists behaviour
From: John L. Clark (
Date: Tue Mar 06 2001 - 19:55:20 CST

Man, I'm just racking 'em up, tonight, aren't I? Ok, here's a couple of
things about lists. Sorry about the length.

First, what happened to solid black bullets? Now I see small circles as
bullets. Seems to me that solid black circular bullets are pretty


Second, what happened to the auto list ending logic we had? What I see
currently is the following (where | represents the curser location, and
o represents a bullet):

o foo
o bar
o baz|

Then you hit enter twice and get:

o foo
o bar
o baz
o |

But I thought that instead it was supposed to go from

o foo
o bar
o baz
o |


o foo
o bar
o baz


and automagically end the list.


Finally, shouldn't a list look like

  o foo
  o bar
  o baz


  1. foo
  2. bar
  3. baz

instead of

o foo
o bar
o baz


1. foo
2. bar
3. baz

which we currently have now? Every html renderer that I've seen renders
a list in the former way, with the bullets indented a bit and then the
text spaced a bit after that, instead of the bullets at the extreme left
margin and the text a full tab in from them.



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