Re: status matrices and XSL

Subject: Re: status matrices and XSL
From: Paul Rohr (
Date: Mon Mar 12 2001 - 12:44:49 CST


Looks like you're about done with the rendering stuff. A few final
nit-picky things.

1. How wedded are you to your colors? Bob's primary colors aren't as
subdued, but they're more conventional. At least in this country, the
semantics of bright red green and yellow are very clear. Your colors are
nice, but they don't scream "broken" loud enough (at least, not to me). For
a comparison, see:

2. I'm pretty sure the original document had local anchors to jump directly
to the relevant section.

3. In the interest of terseness, do we really need to spell out "bug #"
inside each cell? I can easily imagine filing half a dozen bugs or TODOs
against a newly-implemented feature, and that'll really bloat the cell
quickly. For a comparison, see:

At 03:03 PM 3/10/01 +0100, Karl Ove Hufthammer wrote:
>And here's the finished product. Or almost finished, since the matrix
looks very
>outdated. Most of the cells marked 'no' in the last table should be 'yes'.
I can
>fix this for win32, but someone else must update it for other platforms.

Thanks. Just getting it updated for win32 would be a huge step.

>I think it's better to have it at the top. It's a bit late to present that
>column explanations to the reader *after* he/she has read alle the

Yes, but it's *only* useful for people once, and after that it just gets in
the way. Fortunately, HTML has local anchors, so you can put it at the
bottom with a forward reference at the top. For example, see the feature
matrix, which has an explanation of the cell contents at the top.

>> Netscape 4.04 -- over an inch of vertical whitespace above each matrix
>This should be fixed, or at least improved, in this version.

Yep. Much better.

>> MSIE 4.0 -- narrow cells with no padding. perhaps a minimum width?
>I've added HTML-based padding.

Yeah, that's better. I was hoping you could figure out a way to get
consistently wider cells like you did in the earlier NSCP version, but this
is OK.

>The latest version of Lynx now has experimental support for real data tables,
>and it seems to work correctly, except for the last table, which is to wide.


>It should be legible on all browsers which support HTML and/or CSS now.

That's what I'd hoped.

>It's easy to add columns at the *end* (to the right) -- creating one in the
>middle will be a bit harder (an advanced search and replace script should
>care of it).

Gotcha. Sounds fine to me.


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